undercurrent|undercurrents in English


stream that flows beneath the surface; concealed tendency or intention often opposed to the one outwardly displayed

Use "undercurrent|undercurrents" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "undercurrent|undercurrents" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "undercurrent|undercurrents", or refer to the context using the word "undercurrent|undercurrents" in the English Dictionary.

1. There's a strong undercurrent of racism in this town.

2. But there were troubling undercurrents in the family.

3. There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.

4. His writing lacks this undercurrent of protest and satire.

5. There was no subtle undercurrent to the question.

6. The invader sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.

7. Political turmoil and undercurrents of economic stress continue to spread in West Asia.

8. Therewas an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.

9. He sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.

10. An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent.

11. There are powerful undercurrents in the 1988 Education Act which pull in this direction.

12. Wherever it flourished an undercurrent of scepticism was never far away.

13. Racial hatred has been a powerful undercurrent in the country's history.

14. In violent America, there still exists an undercurrent of prejudice against Chinese.

15. That bright star is not a secret behind the undercurrent?

16. But with every initiative, they encountered an undercurrent of resistance.

17. I detect an undercurrent of resentment towards the new proposals.

18. Beneath the smooth surface of day-to-day political life, one senses powerful and dangerous undercurrents.

19. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

20. There was a political undercurrent as well, though this was less explicit.

21. Synonyms for Connotations include undertones, nuance, implication, flavor, flavour, inference, suggestion, hints, intimations and undercurrents

22. 19 The sunny winter day provided an air of temperance, with a threatening undercurrent.

23. The stately gloom of official mourning was relieved by an undercurrent of suspense.

24. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

25. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception